Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday on my mind

Hooray! It's finally Friday! The picture above isn't really relevant to anything but my love of chickens, but I did like it...and every post needs a piccy or two.
What's on my mind today?
~off to see Hubert for the weekend, so very excited
~volunteered for this [embroidery bar]
~going to play along with this swap [I like having a direction to follow, forces me to come up with something]
~left the Ninja and Drewzel in the care of the nice neighbours for the weekend...will I still have a home to return to? Or will there be "cat dirt...evveryyywhere!!!!!"
~further to this post, I spoke to abovementioned nice neighbours about it, and they told me that the police were there a couple of days earlier as this bloke did his nana and punched a hole in another neighbour's glass door panels... so I am sure they are aware of the situation with the kid. Plus broken door panel neighbour has apparently complained to child services. Saw yelling bloke and kid as I was leaving for work this morning...kid looks okay and physically healthy. Still worries me though, will he grow up and scream at his own kids one day?
~problematic grannies have been edged with cream wool, and I used a Lincraft voucher yesterday to purchase some extra yummy colours to aid the cause. Still not convinced though. Also bought a bamboo crochet hook to take on the plane...and ooh I don't like it. No sir. I love bamboo knitting needles, but the crochet hook is icky, and too thin to grasp comfortably.
~I bought a most gorgeous cupcake for morning tea - haven't been able to bring myself to eat it yet, and that was over an hour ago. I just sit here and look at it, it's so pretty. (The box behind it with the picture of the girl is from some hand cream I also just bought, because it smells YUM!)

Hope you have a fun weekend, whatever you get up to!


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