Friday, October 7, 2011


Further to this post of mine, finding this post of Amanda Palmer's made me chuckle this morning.
Although the 'keep calm' amusement was overshadowed by her confirmation that the Dresden Dolls are touring next year. Hooray!!

And here's a gratutious AFP photo from same blog post:
While we're on the subject of Amanda Palmer related thingys, (if you recall this post), last night Hubert bought home Vegemite flavoured potato chips from the supermarket. Given that I hadn't been fond of the meat pie flavoured chips, the pizza or the bacon ones, I was dubious. However, Vegemite chips were just like a vegemite sandwich ~ only crunchy ~ and all scoffed accordingly. Buy some. If you like Vegemite that is.


  1. Yah! I need to find me some vegemite chips.

  2. I had some just today and I LOVED them, sadly only a limited edition so one must stock up!!!

  3. Fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap.


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