Monday, May 31, 2010

Fave Faves

Hooray for Pip! I need Five Faves to remind me that life is worth living on a Monday morning.
So here's mine:

1. This post...oh I love it. And I must borrow banjo man because for some reason he reminds me of Steve Poltz.

[Re the Poltz thing, Hubert would probably just tell you that's because I heart the Poltz too much.]

2. This chicken house.

3. Prints by this guy. Here's one:

4. Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision. All weekend.

5. Lou Reed.


  1. oh oh oh! I adore Lou Reed - he's just awesome.

  2. I love that poster... recently saw one in a collection of ironic images - it said "ARE YOU ILLITERATE?" and offered help for illiterates...

  3. I love Eurovision but I am so sad Opa!! didn't win.
    Bloody Drip Drop was running through my mind at midnight last night.

  4. Eurovision was awesome this year. I always hope the UK will win but they don't get the votes. Did love the German song tho.

  5. Oh Banjo man, I can't decide between your cleft chin or your shiny brown leather pants.


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