Monday, October 12, 2009

Coffee Break

Everyone knows that I love a snot block. So as a cure for Monday-itis, I purchased one with my mid-morning coffee. And immediately thought of taking a pic of it to show Selena, who is also a fan of the vanilla slice.
But then I thought, that's not very inspiring:

So I jazzed it up a bit, which brought to mind this post of Toni's:

Did it taste better? You bet!


  1. Oh how I'd kill for a snot block right now!

  2. Oh Steph. You are the bees knees.

  3. OMG You are funny. You know Steph I haven't had a snot block in quite awhile.. No matter how you take a pic it looks good.. Maybe I should head down Fraser st Clunes to the bakery and get me one of those..
    PS I love the new blog, need to catch up on reading it though!! Yah for Snot Blocks!!


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